Tommy graduated this last June and got his Eagle scout all in one week! We had a lot of family come for the occasion. Jess, Lacy, Whitney, Payton, the Poff family and Grandparents along with the rest of the family that lives here. It was a busy week but it was great! We all went to Tommy's graduation and saw him get his diploma as well as play a trumpet solo in the band.
The next day we had Tommy's Court of Honor. He's worked long and hard with the help of family and friends to complete his project and now he has accomplished something he's worked for since he was a cub scout. Here are some pictures of the event.
Tom gave Tommy his hiking stick that he had carved years ago as a young scout himself.
Soon he'll be on his mission!
Thanks to all of the people who werea all involved in this process it was fun to see all of our friends and family and enjoy it with them.
The Sparks family lives in North Idaho. We have 4 children. Our two oldest daughters live in Utah with their husbands. Tommy and Olivia keep us busy at home with the many things that high school brings: cheerleading, sports, college applications, scouting, etc... . We are now Grandparents as our daughter Whitney and her husband Andrew have a daughter of their own. Our oldest daughter Lacy is attending nursing school and her husband Jess is studying public relations down in Orem, Ut.They are will also make us Grandparents as they are expecting their first child in January.